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Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Our Lemon Trees

We have 2 Lemon Trees in our Garden, Im not sure how old they are, but they have obviously been battered by the wind over the years as one of them leans quite sharply to the left. They produce an abundance of Lemons more or less all year round. The problem is knowing what to do with them all.

I do make a lovely Lemon Drizzle Cake, and I also Juice, & freeze that, I make Buttermilk with them, but a couple of years ago I decided to have a go at making Limoncello, which is an Italian Liquor, which we first tried in Rome and found it to be delicious, so I thought I would have a go, it turned out pretty good, Only made the one bottle, but going to make a few more this spring, so they should be nice and ready for next Christmas, anyhow here is my recipe for Limoncello.

Preparation Time:- about 20 mins or so
Time it takes to prove:- 40 to 80 days or as long as you like really. I have a bottle that is 2 years old and it just seems to get better.

Ingredients:- 1 Litre 40% Smirnoff Vodka
                     15 Medium Sized Unwaxed Lemons
                     Simple Syrup ( 4 Cups Sugar & 5 Cups Bottled Water)

Method:- Wash the Lemons with a small brush (nail brush) rinse and pat dry on Kitchen Towel.   Carefully Zest the Lemons with a Vegetable Peeler or Grater, but you only want the outer peel, no white pith at all (the white underneath the peel) or the Limoncello will taste bitter.

In a Large (I used 1.1/2Litre Mason Jar) Add Vodka and Lemon Zest. Put the Lid on and put in a Cool Dark place for about 30 to 40 days. There is no need to shake or stir at this time. The longer you leave it the better as the Vodka will absorb both the colour and flavour of the Lemon Zest.

All equipment used must be sterilized, please click on link to see how. How to Sterilize-Bottles

After this time make the Syrup. In a Large Clean Saucepan mix the Sugar and Water, bring to the boil and continue boiling for about 7 minutes. Remove from the heat and leave to cool.
Once cooled add the Syrup to the Limoncello, replace the lid and leave to rest for another 30 days in a cool dark place, shaking the jar occasionally.

After 30 days strain the Limoncello (I use a Coffee Filter inside a Jug), pour the strained Limoncello into Sterilized bottles, (I use Glass Bottle with Clamp Stoppers)glass-bottle-with-clamp-stopper.do

Your Limoncello is now ready to drink, you can store your bottles in the fridge or freezer.


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