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Monday, 16 February 2015

Tai Green Curry

Blue Elephant Tai Green Curry Paste
1 Medium Onion Sliced
2 Cans of Coconut Milk
1 Can Water
1/2 Tsp Olive Oil
4 Kafir Lime Leaves
4 Tsp Fish Sauce
2 Tsp Sugar
1 Dried Lemongrass, Slice and crushed
1 Courgette, Grated, any bits you cant grate, finely chop
12 or so Chopped Basil Leaves
For this Receipe I used 1 Kilo Pork Cubes (Souvlaki) 2 Chicken Breasts

Heat Olive Oil in Large Frying Pan, not too hot, add Sliced Onion, turn down the heat and cook gently until Onion becomes soft not brown. Add 200ml Coconut Milk from a can that's not been shaken, you will be able to spoon the cream from the top, stir with a wooden spoon until you can smell the spices develop, then lower the heat. Add another 1 & 1/2 Cans of Coconut Milk & half a can of Water, bring to a simmer slowly stirring all the time so it doesn't burn. Add Kifir Lime Leaves, (remember to remove them later), Fish Sauce & Sugar, Stir. Also I haven't used any salt, just because I don't think you need it, but add some if you wish, and If you want to make it Super Hot, add a couple of Diced Chilles now, I don't think you need it!

There you have your Sauce! It should be nice and milky smooth.

You can now choose what you want to add to the sauce, Prawns, which wont need cooking for to long. Beef Slices, Pork or Chicken Cubes, Chicken Drumsticks, Wings, etc. Or if you have any left overs  that you can add to the Sauce. Make it Veggie, add half cooked Potatoes, Peas, Sweetcorn, etc.

Taste your Sauce now. Is it Hot enough? Sweet enough?

Leave your Tai Curry Sauce on very low heat while you prepare your meat or other ingredients.

Cut Chicken Breasts into more or less same size as your Pork Pieces.
I cut mine into bite size pieces, but remember, all meat will shrink a little when cooked, so you don't want tiny hard pieces of meat.

Put about 1/2 Tbs Olive Oil in Large Frying Pan, cutting off any fat from the Pork. Grate a little Black Pepper over the Pork Pieces and toss. When Oil is hot enough add Pork to brown, don't over crowd pan and turn frequently.
When lightly browned on all sides, remove with a slotted spoon and add to simmering sauce, stir, put lid on saucepan and cook next batch of Pork in same way and add to sauce, turn up the heat a little and stir well, then turn down to simmer. While you Pork pieces are simmering nicely in sauce, brown your Chicken in the same way as you did your Pork, then add to sauce.
You want your Pork to cook for about 10 minutes or so before adding your Chicken.

Scrape bottom of pan with a metal spoon from time to time to release sauce that may have stuck to bottom.
Add about 6 Chopped Basil Leaves, then leave to simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add your Grated Courgette to your Curry, turn up the heat until bubbling, stir well, then turn down the heat and cook without a lid for about 5 minutes or so until Curry thickens and Courgettes has more or less dissolved.

Remove Kafir Lime Leaves with slotted spoon.

I serve my Tai Curry in Warmed Bowls along with Amoy Singapore Curry Noodles and Lebanese Bread.

The Noodles can be quickly heated in Microwave as intrustions on the packet.

Lebanese Bread, I sprinkle with Tap Water, then put in hot over for about 3 minutes each side, Tare and Share.

1 comment:

  1. If you have a Lidl where you live, look out for their Asian weeks, you will find lots of spices, sauces, etc for your store cupboard.
